Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NIKO it!

NIKO: Greek word which means "Victory of the people". People used to shout NIKO after they had won a war.

NIKO 2: Survival hiking adventure for 3 nights and 3 days.

NIKOer: Overcomer.

What a busy week!!!! We had to get ready for the Mexican Mission Adventures and we did not have enough time. It was Monday morning and the kids were gonna arrive at noon. The main leader; Naara got food poisoning. We were going to start camping that day and the maps were not printed out. I was supposed to have everything packed, and I did not. NO TIME, and many things had to get done. It was not exactly what I was expecting...
At 1pm we had the registration and all of the kids were excited to start the week since NIKO was part of the week and the only thing that they knew was that NIKO meant "survival camp".
For me, the biggest challenge was not sleeping on the ground nor the sweat or the sun, but a person.
Oh my goodness!!! Have you ever known someone that is so familiar to you and you
don't like it at all?
It was like looking into a mirror, she was so like what I used to be... a Preppy girl.
It would always be the team hiking ahead of her or it would be her, hiking ahead of us, but never together.
She would take so much time to get ready. Always late but super pretty. You know? Fashion first!!
God is amazing and it was great to see her change her attitude during the week. It was awesome to see the kids the first day being all indifferent about everything and the last day they were hugging each other and dancing together.

And here... some numbers:

  • 22 teenagers+10 staff members had something in common: We all thought and believed that a bag of Granola, a bag of beans, peaunut butter, powdered milk and powdered gatorade was the meaning of best food in the world.

  • We hiked approximately 20 miles. and the first hike started at 11:30 PM.

  • 3 Teams: Red, Green and the best one... BLUE!!

  • In less than 30 minutes we fed about 50 people.

  • 187329482654925702732... times I have been in awe because of God's love, (The view was AMAZING at NIKO!) and I praise He who paints the sky with a new picture everyday no matter what I do, no matter what I think, no matter what goes on around me, He is God, and shows me He loves me through his creation. Without him I can't NIKO anything.

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool, Dina - good job on your update! I loved reading it. NIKO rocked!!!
